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Category Archives: fashion

What you need to know about sustainable fashion

Since sustainable fashion has been making its way into the mainstream, we’ve reached a tipping point where both those inside and outside the fashion industry can no longer ignore its presence.Media coverage of sustainability in fashion industry throughout 2019 has resulted in an overwhelming amount of messaging, particularly following Fashion Week events that focused on […]

How To Prepare For Bikini Competitions

Is entering a bikini contest on your mind? If that’s the case, you need to understand all the requirements. This will all be explained and you will also learn how to succeed.Bikini competitors share four traits: discipline, strength, willpower, and self-confidence. To compete in bodybuilding bikini divisions or physique competitions in general, you need not […]

There are four health benefits of
eating dark chocolate

While it’s unlikely your doctor will be prescribing you chocolate anytime soon, science has found a lot of health benefits associated with dark chocolate. This is perhaps our favorite science. Read on to learn why research says dark chocolate is good for you. Dark chocolate’s health benefits come primarily from three compounds in the cocoabean: […]